Sunday, October 16, 2011

How I save on grocery

I was trying to find ways to save on grocery seeing how expensive everything is these days. So one day I just decided to do what a friend of mine said, price match. I was nervous at first. I checked everything over and over again till I got all my items down. I wrote down all the items and next to them I but what store papers they came from; also what price they were. It would have been easier if I just typed it up but I know that now.

When I got to the store I was nervous but I got everything on my list and I calculated how much it will all come up to. I also had some coupons to use with my items to bring down the cost even more. The moment of truth came when I got to the register. I was very close to my target price. I was very happy. I've decided from now on before I go grocery shopping I will always price match first and the best time to do that is when there is a sale.

One more thing I would like to try is using only coupons. I was watching one of the episodes and finally understood exactly how to do it. My only challenge is finding a store that will let me shop has much as I would like. So in the meantime I will continue to clip those coupons till I'm ready to use them.

So that's how I saving on grocery for my family and I am very thankful that I got this knowledge.

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